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We Respect Others Rights, Jan and Steve

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Friday, February 27, 2009

Be Safe--Homemade Soap Spray Insecticide

Be safe. This site ASELFSUFFICIENTLIFE.COM gives a 'recipe' for Soap-Spray Insecticide' that's easy and safe. Go here... http://www.aselfsufficientlife.com/homemade-insecticide-soap-spray.html
Photo by Spraying by Editor B

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

How To Have A Seed Exchange Party

OK. This site has a great party idea for gathering seeds for your garden. Party's are fun and gardening fantastic. So, how can we lose? Go here for their great ideas...http://plantsbulbs.suite101.com/article.cfm/how_to_through_a_seed_exchange_party
Photo by Mustard Seeds Germinating by Swami Stream

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Guess Who's Coming To Dinner?

This site got my attention. Just look...Composting Worms In The Table. AMY YOUNG's Digestive Table. Go here and check it out. http://accad.osu.edu/~ayoungs/digestive.html#
Photo by DSC_2714.JPG by Adam_d_

Sunday, February 22, 2009

How Many Worms is a Pound of Worms?

Well, spring is in the air. Time to check our worms and get the worm beds ready. WOW. What a wonderful sight-- our worms. Just love them.
Since we're in Washington State and it can be colder our worms needed some winter protection to be on the safe side. If you live in the north or where it may get below freezing often during the winter, we recommend. putting your worm bin under cover or in the garage if possible. We found even covering your worms with cardboard helps if your bin is in a inside spot this is not needed.
Our bins that during the fall had one pound of worms --now have over 5 pounds. Wow. Yea.
Now, that reminds me --'What is a Pound of Worms'? Composting Worms are small-900 to 1000 worms per pound. European Night Crawlers-about 450-500 per pound and African Night Crawlers are hugh--with only about 100- 150 per pound. We have raised the composting and European Night Crawlers as the African Night Crawlers do better in warmer conditions, and we're in Washington State.
If you're lucky and can pick your worms up when buying them--check them over. Recently we know of a Worm Farm selling about 1/2 pound worms with 1 1/2 pound of bedding as 2 pounds of worms. Worms are packed in bedding when shipped--BUT a pound of composting worms 900 to 1000 worms make up a pound. Usually one pound of worms comes in about one pound of bedding.
Happy Gardening. J.A.ROSE-BARTLETT 'Worm Guys'. http://www.wormguys.com/
Photo by dsc00076.jpg by mlinksva

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Spring Vegetables In Containers

Have limited space? Like fresh safe vegetables that you grow yourself? Go to this site for great container gardening ideas.
Photo by container garden on the patio by thomas pix

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Worm Composting and Starting Your Seeds

Indoor worm composting with red worms is a great way to recycle kitchen waste. Here's a quote from this site-"It's easy. it doesn't smell, and it's lots of fun {kids love it} The resulting worm castings are an extraordinary organic food". Go here to read the whole story...
Photo by carrot seeds by normanack

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Meet Herman. The Adventures of Herman

This is one of the best site for kids or anyone to learn about composting with worms, how to raise worms--in spanish or english too. Go to...http://urbanext.illinois.edu/worms/
Photo by dsc00075.jpg by mlinksva

Monday, February 16, 2009

Creating a Wonderful Product.

We're always busy at 'Worm Guys'. Getting ready now for spring with our own worm castings product. Working on package designs etc. Ready for another great/fun year of gardening. Janet Rose-Bartlett, Steve Bartlett. Go to www.wormguys.com/
Photo by happy happy by mollypop

Friday, February 13, 2009

Mary Applehof Quote

“I must own I had always looked on worms as amongst the most helpless and unintelligent members of the creation; and am amazed to find that they have a domestic life and public duties!” Mary Appelhof, worm composting activist and author of Worms Eat My Garbage
I found this quote on a site called 'Dirt' by Amy Stewart. Go to http://blog.amystewart.com/2009/02/happy-birthday-charles-darwin.html for more of her worm info.
Photo by Worm Escaping by chapnickman

Friday, February 6, 2009

Why Do Worms Breath Through Their Skin?

Yea why? There's lots of interesting/odd worm info in this post from STUMBLERZ. Check it out and have fun. Go to...
Photo by Separating the worms by Comrogues

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Valentine Gardener's Gift Idea.

I found this interesting gift idea on a site called CLEVELAND.COM. It talks about how useful a personal gardening journal becomes for gardeners. Go to CLEVELAND.COM here and read all about it. A journal is a great gift for gardeners. Click here...
Photo by 18/365 handwriting tagged! by glitter feet


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